Congressional Investigations
The volume and breadth of Congressional investigations are likely to continue to expand. Further, if you face an oversight action you may need to navigate parallel proceedings—inquiries from multiple Congressional committees or federal agencies, DOJ or SEC enforcement actions, criminal proceedings, and follow-on litigation.
Rely on our playbook of best practices and defense strategies to mitigate the consequences of these inquiries.
Our team has decades of experience in federal oversight matters and has played key roles in numerous high-profile inquiries—a critical advantage if you are involved in a complex and unfamiliar process.
We guide your engagement with Congressional investigators from the start, all the way through providing statements and testimony.
/Representative experience
- Respond to inquiries from committee staff, manage information production, assess jurisdictional and practical implications of overlapping oversight committees, and analyze the impact of witness selection
- Served as chief counsel to the Senate Banking Committee, leading the Whitewater investigation of President Clinton’s dealings with the Madison Guarantee Trust
- Served as chief counsel to Senate Select Committee on Vietnam POW/MIA investigations, leading to the normalization of relations with Vietnam following the Vietnam War
- Represented a former senior White House and CIA official in conjunction with a Congressional investigation into the issuance of a public letter in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election.
- Represented a National Security Council attorney in the House Intelligence Committee investigation of the Trump impeachment inquiry, successfully avoiding public testimony through careful negotiations with counsel for the House and the White House
- Counseled a witness in the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election (Mueller Investigation)
- Advised a multi-national pharmaceutical company in responding to a congressional request for documents and written information in the context of parallel United States Attorney’s Office (USAO) and DOJ investigations
- Represented a potential witness in an ongoing confidential inquiry by the Senate Permanent Select Committee on Investigations
- Served on a team defending a major pharmaceutical company in an investigation concerning the suspected inflation of certain drug prices in advance of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Offered testimony before the Senate and House Oversight Committee investigation resulting from service as Chief Prosecutor in the campaign finance investigation of the 1996 presidential election
- Served as executive branch agency counsel, preparing statements, document productions, presentations, and witnesses for numerous Congressional investigations and hearings