Shawn G. Hansen is an intellectual property partner based in our Los Angeles office and also maintains an office in our San Francisco office to work with clients and handle matters in Northern California.
Shawn has built a successful track record over two decades of litigating and trying patent and other intellectual property cases in federal courts throughout the United States. He excels at synthesizing cutting edge technologies with legal strategy and is adept with technologies from software and semiconductors to pharmaceuticals and medical diagnostics. And he brings to bear exceptional capabilities to communicate complex technology to lay audiences and to keep the forest and the trees in focus at once.
My focus
I am dedicated to helping research institutions and other clients in the life sciences, technology, and media industries craft and execute IP strategies optimized for their business objectives, from high stakes litigation to tech transfer and licensing.
Representative experience
- Represent The Regents of the University of California in a groundbreaking patent enforcement campaign to protect its rights in a revolutionary new generation of light bulb technology known as filament LED that was invented by a Nobel laureate-led team at UC Santa Barbara. The campaign includes litigation before the U.S. International Trade Commission, the U.S. District Courts for the Central District of California and Eastern District of New York, and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- Modern Font Applications LLC v. Alaska Airlines, Inc. (Fed. Cir.)—Won a precedential opinion from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in a patent lawsuit regarding non-standard fonts in mobile apps. The ruling leaves intact district court discovery orders upholding Alaska Airlines’ confidentiality designations for its source code and rejecting the opposition’s effort to gain access for its in-house counsel by modifying the District of Utah’s model protective order.
- Astellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine International v. ImStem Biotechnology et al. (D. Mass.)—Represented Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine International (SCRMI) in action for correction of patent inventorship and for state law claims alleging wrongful acquisition, misuse, disclosure, and conversion of Astellas’s and SCRMI’s patented mesenchymal stem cell inventions.
- TrickleStar LLC v. Embertec Pty Ltd. (PTAB)—Lead counsel for Australian manufacturer of power management technology in successful petition for inter partes review regarding patent owned by another Australian power management technology company.
- Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. et al. v. Actavis Laboratories FL, Inc. (D. Del.)—Counsel for co-plaintiff Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in concluded ANDA action regarding generic version of Xifaxan® antibiotic for reduction in risk of overt hepatic encephalopathy (HE) recurrence in adults and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D) in adults.
- Johnstech International Corp. v. JF Technology Berhad et al. (N.D. Cal.)—Lead trial counsel for Malaysian manufacturer defendant in patent infringement action regarding semiconductor device testing equipment.
- In the Matter of Certain Laser Abraded Denim Garments (ITC)—Counsel for Swedish apparel retailer H&M in defense of Section 337 action regarding patents relating to methods for treating textiles with lasers.
- Skywalker Holdings v. Vuly Trampolines (D. Utah)—Lead counsel for Australian manufacturer defendant in patent infringement action regarding trampoline safety equipment. The case has been settled and dismissed.
- Priewasser v. Lintec Corporation et al. (D. Ariz.)—Counsel for Germany-based plaintiff against Japanese defendant in action for fraud and correction of inventorship related to semiconductor back grinding tape technology. Conducted numerous depositions in the United States consulate in Osaka, Japan.
- Digital Air Technologies, LLC v. Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. (C.D. Cal.)—Lead counsel for patentee plaintiff in concluded patent infringement action regarding special effects technology used in production of advertisements.
- Arrowhead Media Holdings, LLC v. David Keighley Productions 70MM Inc. (C.D. Cal.)—Co-lead counsel for David Keighley Productions 70MM Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of IMAX Corporation) in defense of patent infringement claims under patent purporting to cover processes for recomposing large format motion picture media for transfer to conventional formats. The case has been settled and dismissed.
- Fuhu, Inc. v. Toys “R” Us, Inc.—Co-lead counsel for Fuhu in action against Toys “R” Us (TRU) for trade secret misappropriation in connection with TRU’s launch of Tabeo, a competitor of Fuhu’s groundbreaking, full-featured Android tablet for children, the nabi™.
- Visto Corp. v. Microsoft (E.D. Tex.)—Settled patent infringement action against Microsoft in the Eastern District of Texas (Marshall/Texarkana). Visto holds a portfolio of patents directed to wireless messaging and e-mail, calendar and contact synchronization, including U.S. Patent No. 6,085,192, which recently emerged from reexamination. Microsoft announced Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP) for Windows Mobile 5.0 and Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. Direct Push technology in MSFP and Exchange Server 2003 SP2 is designed to allow Exchange Server to send messages and other PIM information directly to Windows Mobile 5.0 devices over the air (OTA) through wireless accounts. The case settled for a confidential amount just before trial in March 2008.
- Visto Corp. v. Research In Motion (E.D. Tex.)—One of several patent infringement actions on the Visto patent portfolio against RIM, which settled for $267.5 million.
Looking ahead
In our progressively online and globalized economy, with litigation finance revolutionizing access to the courts, the strengths and vulnerabilities of American enterprises increasingly hinge on intellectual property.
- “Preserving Privilege & Work Product Immunity in Funded Matters,” Nixon Peabody 2023 California MCLE Virtual Seminar, January 20, 2023
- “Direct Enforcement of University IP—A Case Study of UC Santa Barbara’s Enforcement of Patent Rights Against Retailers,” AUTM 2019 Eastern Region Meeting, Raleigh, NC, October 3, 2019
- Panelist, “Direct Enforcement of University IP—A Case Study of UC Santa Barbara’s Enforcement of Patent Rights Against Retailers,” AUTM 2019 Western Region Meeting, Seattle, WA, September 20, 2019
- Speaker, “Optimizing IP Strategy for Life Sciences Startups,” Pasadena Bio Collaborative Incubator, Pasadena, CA, October 18, 2017
In the news
- Law360
Maryland judge trims oil refining intellectual property suit ahead of trial
Jan 9, 2025This article covers a recent win in client G.W. Aru’s (GWA) patent infringement and false advertising dispute with W.R. Grace. Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Shawn Hansen is quoted in the coverage for leading the litigation for GWA. The NP team also includes IPPG partners Ronald Eisenstein of Boston and Jennifer Hayes of Los Angeles, counsel Joshua Pollack of Los Angeles, and associates Nicole Kling and Juliet DeFrancisco, both of the Boston office, as well as Washington, DC Labor & Employment partner Jennifer Squillario.
- Law360
Federal Circuit shields Alaska Airlines source code in patent row
Jan 3, 2023This article covers a litigation win for client Alaska Airlines, in which the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit blocked Modern Font Applications LLC’s attempt to access the airline’s confidential source code in a patent infringement lawsuit involving non-standard fonts used in the airline’s mobile app. The NP team, led by Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Shawn Hansen, includes Los Angeles partner and IP practice group leader Seth Levy and Albany IP associate Erin Huntington.
- Bloomberg Law
Alaska Airlines discovery spat not reviewable, federal circuit says
Dec 29, 2022This article covers a litigation win for client Alaska Airlines, in which the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit blocked Modern Font Applications LLC’s attempt to access the airline’s confidential source code in a patent infringement lawsuit involving non-standard fonts used in the airline’s mobile app. The NP team, led by Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Shawn Hansen, includes Los Angeles partner and IP practice group leader Seth Levy and Albany IP associate Erin Huntington.
- Bloomberg Law
Grace sued for damages in money-saving oil-refinery tech
Oct 14, 2022This article covers a patent-infringement lawsuit filed by NP client G.W. Aru LLC against W. R. Grace & Co. in connection with an additive used by petroleum refineries to convert crude oils into gasoline and other products. The NP team representing G.W. Aru includes Intellectual Property partners Ronald Eisenstein from Boston and Shawn Hansen from Los Angeles, and Labor & Employment partner Jennifer Squillario from Washington, DC.
- Technology Transfer Tactics
UC Takes Next Step with Filament Light Bulb Case: Manufacturers and ITC
This article, covering the University of California’s patent enforcement campaign related to filament LED light bulbs, quotes Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Seth Levy extensively on a successful initial phase of the campaign, and a recent complaint filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission initiating the second phase. The NP team representing UC is led by Seth and Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Shawn Hansen.Oct 22, 2020 - Supply Chain Brain
UC Expands Patent Lawsuit Against Retailers and Manufacturers
The following article covers the U.S. International Trade Commission’s second investigation into leading retailers and suppliers of filament LED lighting products, based on a complaint filed by Nixon Peabody on behalf of the Regents of the University of California (UC). Supply Chain Brain quotes Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Seth Levy extensively on the expanded patent enforcement campaign. The NP team representing UC is led by Seth and Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Shawn Hansen.Oct 5, 2020 - Bloomberg Law
Nixon says ITC probes retailers in patent infringement case
This article covers the U.S. International Trade Commission’s institution of a second investigation into leading retailers and suppliers of filament LED lighting products, based on a complaint NP filed on behalf of the Regents of the University of California (UC). Los Angeles Intellectual Property partners Seth Levy and Shawn Hansen are leading the NP team in UC’s LED patent enforcement campaign.Sep 30, 2020 - World IP Review
USITC targets Ikea and GE in bulb investigation
The following article covers the U.S. International Trade Commission’s second investigation into leading retailers and suppliers of filament LED lighting products, based on a complaint filed by Nixon Peabody on behalf of the Regents of the University of California (UC). Supply Chain Brain quotes Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Seth Levy extensively on the expanded patent enforcement campaign. The NP team representing UC is led by Seth and Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Shawn Hansen.Sep 30, 2020 - LEDinside
UCSB Expands Patent Enforcement Campaign to Protect Its Filament LED Patents
This article covers a recent complaint NP filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission on behalf of the Regents of the University of California (UC), expanding the LED patent enforcement campaign with new litigation against six leading retailers and suppliers of filament LED lighting products. The NP team is led by Los Angeles Intellectual Property partners Seth Levy and Shawn Hansen.Sep 14, 2020 - Bloomberg News
'Edison' Bulb Battle Heats Up With University Targeting GE, Ikea
An NP team led by Los Angeles Intellectual Property partners Seth Levy and Shawn Hansen on Monday expanded its groundbreaking patent enforcement campaign on behalf of the Regents of the University of California (UC). This article covers the new complaint, filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission, which seeks an investigation into the unauthorized importation and sale after importation of UC’s patented filament LED lighting technology by General Electric, Savant Systems, Feit Electric, Home Depot, Ikea, and Satco Products. In addition to Seth and Shawn, the NP team includes Washington, DC Intellectual Property partner Evan Langdon; Los Angeles Intellectual Property partners Staci Riordan, Vincent Yip and Peter Wied, and associate Vince Capati; Chicago Intellectual Property associates Paulina Starostka and Angelo Christopher; San Francisco Complex Commercial Disputes associate Tracy Ickes; and Los Angeles patent specialist Jason Moore.Aug 31, 2020 - Law360
UC System Asks ITC to Probe Home Depot, Others Over LEDs
Aug 31, 2020An NP team led by Los Angeles Intellectual Property partners Seth Levy and Shawn Hansen on Monday expanded its groundbreaking patent enforcement campaign on behalf of the Regents of the University of California (UC). The following articles cover the new complaint, filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission, which seeks an investigation into the unauthorized importation and sale after importation of UC’s patented filament LED lighting technology by General Electric, Savant Systems, Feit Electric, Home Depot, Ikea, and Satco Products.
In addition to Seth and Shawn, the NP team includes Washington, DC Intellectual Property partner Evan Langdon; Los Angeles Intellectual Property partners Staci Riordan, Vincent Yip and Peter Wied, and associate Vince Capati; Chicago Intellectual Property associates Paulina Starostka and Angelo Christopher; San Francisco Complex Commercial Disputes associate Tracy Ickes; and Los Angeles patent specialist Jason Moore.
- Tech Transfer Tactics
Universities should consider ITC for IP protection
Intellectual Property partners Evan Langdon of Washington, DC, and Shawn Hansen and Seth Levy of Los Angeles co-wrote this article explaining how the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) can be a “powerfully effective venue” for patent protection. Evan, Shawn, and Seth are leading the NP team representing the University of California in an investigation pending at the ITC concerning LED lightbulb technology. Read the full article on 18, 2020 - TotalRetail
What the University of California case means for retailers and IP in the supply chain
This article analyzes the potential for lasting implications to the global supply chain as a result of the University of California’s (UC) patent enforcement campaign against several retailers selling filament LED lightbulbs. Los Angeles Intellectual Property partners Seth Levy and Shawn Hansen are the lead attorneys representing UC.Feb 13, 2020 - Pacific Coast Business Times
Central Coast tech firms, UCSB use litigation to protect patents
The article mentions Nixon Peabody’s ongoing representation of the Regents of the University of California in UC Santa Barbara’s patent enforcement matter, noting that a recent $1.1 billion verdict for the California Institute of Technology in another matter could bode well for UC Santa Barbara. Los Angeles Intellectual Property partners Seth Levy and Shawn Hansen are the lead attorneys representing UC.Feb 7, 2020 - Tech Transfer Central
University of California targets General Electric in campaign against patent infringement
This article quotes Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Seth Levy discussing Nixon Peabody’s representation of the University of California, which has sued General Electric as part of its ongoing campaign to enforce its patents on LED lightbulb technology. Seth and Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Shawn Hansen are leading the NP team.Jan 8, 2020 - Pacific Coast Business Times
UCSB adds GE to lawsuit defending LED patents
Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Seth Levy is quoted in this story covering the latest developments in UC Santa Barbara’s patent enforcement campaign to protect its LED lightbulb technology, including the addition of General Electric as a defendant. Seth and Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Shawn Hansen are leading the NP team.Jan 2, 2020 - IP Watchdog
ITC investigates University of California complaint against Amazon and other major retailers
Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Seth Levy talks about Nixon Peabody’s representation of the University of California in an effort to protect the university’s rights related to filament LED technology developed at UC Santa Barbara. The article also mentions Los Angeles Intellectual Property partner Shawn Hansen as co-lead counsel for UC in this case.Sep 19, 2019 - Law360
ITC to Probe Amazon, Walmart, Others in LED Patent Case
This article highlights recent developments in the University of California’s campaign to protect its rights related to filament LED technology developed at UC Santa Barbara. On Wednesday, the U.S. International Trade Commission opened an investigation in response to UC’s complaint, filed in July by the Nixon Peabody team led by Los Angeles Intellectual Property partners Seth Levy and Shawn Hansen.Aug 29, 2019 - Fast Company
Ikea, Amazon, and the billion-dollar war over light bulb design
This article highlights the University of California’s campaign to protect its rights related to filament LED technology developed at the university. An NP team led by Los Angeles Intellectual Property partners Seth Levy and Shawn Hansen is representing UC in this campaign.Aug 2, 2019 - Los Angeles Daily Journal
Drugmaker asks federal judge to invalidate rival company patents
Los Angeles IP litigation partner Shawn Hansen is quoted in this article about drug maker Amgen Inc.’s request for a federal judge to invalidate patents claimed by a rival company so it can create a generic, less expensive version of a popular cancer drug.Oct 10, 2017 - Law360
Attorneys react to Supreme Court patent venue ruling
Los Angeles IP litigation partner Shawn Hansen is quoted in the following articles discussing the Supreme Court’s decision in the patent case TC Heartland LLC v. Kraft Food Brands Group LLC, which limits where plaintiffs can file patent lawsuits.May 22, 2017 - The New York Times
Supreme Court ruling could hinder ‘patent trolls’
Los Angeles IP litigation partner Shawn Hansen is quoted in the following articles discussing the Supreme Court’s decision in the patent case TC Heartland LLC v. Kraft Food Brands Group LLC, which limits where plaintiffs can file patent lawsuits.May 22, 2017 - Los Angeles/San Francisco Daily Journal
Biosimilar battle heads to high court
Los Angeles IP litigation partner Shawn Hansen authored this column about an upcoming case in the U.S. Supreme Court that will deal with Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009 (BPCIA), which was enacted as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).Feb 15, 2017 - Law360
Fed. Circ.'s Apple Ruling Makes Patent Injunctions Easier
Silicon Valley IP Litigation partner Shawn Hansen discusses a federal patent-infringement decision and how it could now be easier for patent owners to secure injunctions in disputes over complicated technology and boost their bargaining power in settlement negotiations.Sep 17, 2015 - Law360
Collecting Fees Still Tough After Octane, Highmark Cases
Silicon Valley IP Litigation partner Shawn Hansen provides commentary in this article discussing how two Supreme Court rulings have helped accused patent infringers gain leverage to resolve weak cases earlier and get attorneys' fees awarded.Aug 28, 2015 - BNA's Patent, Trademark & Copyright Journal
Nautilus Standard Used by CAFC to Overturn Pre-Nautilus Patent Indefiniteness Judgment
Silicon Valley IP Litigation partner Shawn Hansen and Chicago IP Counseling & Transactions partner Paul Kitch discuss the Federal Circuit’s precedential opinion reversing a district court's judgment of patent claim invalidity for indefiniteness since the Supreme Court's Nautilus decision.March 11, 2015 - Law360
Lawyers Weigh in on High Court Claim Construction Ruling
Silicon Valley IP Litigation partner Shawn Hansen and Chicago IP Counseling & Transactions partner Paul Kitch discuss the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to cast aside the Federal Circuit's long-standing rule that all district court claim construction rulings must be reviewed anew on appeal.Jan 20, 2015 - Law360
Fed. Circ. May Ditch Rigid Stance after High Court Reversals
Silicon Valley IP Litigation partner Shawn Hansen discusses the U.S. Supreme Court's repeated reversals of patent decisions by the Federal Circuit.June 27, 2014 - Law360
Lawyers Weigh In On High Court's Software Patent Ruling
Silicon Valley IP litigation partner Shawn Hansen and Washington, DC, IP Counseling & Transactions professional specialist Rob Pilaud provide commentary on the Supreme Court’s decision in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank ruling that computerized abstract ideas are not patent eligible.June 19, 2014 - Bloomberg BNA
High Court Nixes ‘Amenable to Construction,' ‘Insolubly Ambiguous' Indefiniteness Rules
Chicago IP Counseling & Transactions partner Paul Kitch and Silicon Valley IP litigation partner Shawn Hansen provide commentary on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Nautilus Inc. v. Biosig Instruments Inc.June 3, 2014 - Law360
Lawyers Weigh In On High Court's Induced Infringement Ruling
Chicago IP Counseling & Transactions partner Paul Kitch and Silicon Valley IP Litigation partner Shawn Hansen provide commentary on the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Limelight Networks Inc. v. Akamai Technologies Inc.June 2, 2014 - Law360
Lawyers Weigh In On High Court's Patent Rulings
Silicon Valley IP Litigation partner Shawn Hansen provides commentary on the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in a pair of cases regarding the appropriate standard for awarding attorneys’ fees in patent litigation cases.April 29, 2014 - The Recorder
Valley Offices Nab IP Laterals
This coverage highlights the arrivals of Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Litigation partners Shawn Hansen and Jeff Lokey.Feb 18, 2014 - The Recorder
Valley Offices Nab IP Laterals
This coverage highlights the arrivals of Silicon Valley intellectual property litigation partners Jeff Lokey and Shawn Hansen.Feb 18, 2014
Admitted to practice
U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
U.S. District Court, Northern District of California
U.S. District Court, Central District of California
U.S. District Court, Southern District of California
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
University of California College of the Law, San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings), J.D., Senior Articles Editor, Hastings Communications & Entertainment Law Journal
Brigham Young University, B.S., Human Biology
Professional activities
- Federal Bar Association
- American Bar Association
- American Intellectual Property Law Association
- IAM Patent 1000—Ranked as a leading California lawyer for patent litigation (2023–2024)
- Recognized as a leading lawyer for patent litigation in the 2020 and 2021 edition of IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Practitioners
- Recommended in The Legal 500 United States 2021 editorial for Intellectual property—Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters).Also recognized in previous years
Insights And Happenings
View AllProfessionals in the Practice Area
View AllSeth D. Levy
Partner / Leader, Intellectual Property Practice- Los Angeles
- Office:+1 213.629.6161
Daniel J. Schwartz
Partner / Deputy Leader, Intellectual Property Practice- Chicago
- Office:+1 312.977.4432
Erica J. Van Loon
Partner / Team Leader, Copyright, Trademark, and Media Litigation- Los Angeles
- Office:+1 213.629.6031
Janet M. Garetto
Partner / Co-Lead, Food, Beverage, & Agribusiness IP Team- Chicago
- Office:+1 312.425.8514