Jill H. Gordon
Partner / Co-chair, Life Sciences Practice
As a health law and life sciences lawyer, Jill Gordon represents academic medical centers, hospitals, long-term care facilities, surgery centers, foundations and clinics, medical groups/IPAs, accountable care organizations and other entities affiliated with the healthcare industry. Jill also represents companies in the health information, medical device and telehealth fields.
Jill is a former member of Nixon Peabody’s management committee.
My focus
I assist healthcare providers and others in the industry with transactional and regulatory matters. My practice is primarily focused on hospital/physician alignment strategies; forming joint ventures and other alliances; structuring mergers and acquisitions; and negotiating managed care and other agreements, such as physician contracts, facility leases and management and co-management arrangements.
Many of my transactions incorporate bundled payment relationships, pay for performance and shared savings incentive programs and the creation of clinically integrated or “narrow” networks. I also provide counsel with respect to physician self-referral (Stark law), anti-kickback, licensing and certification and other healthcare compliance matters and serve as outside general counsel to a number of providers.
Increasingly, many traditional healthcare providers and suppliers, as well as emerging companies, turn to me for counsel with respect to the creation of new products and services within the traditional healthcare market that have some “digital health” component such as sensor technology, remote monitoring, health-related apps or other forms of software. Much of this work focuses on integrating novel products and services into the existing market and addressing issues such as reimbursement, licensing, state law prohibitions, access to and use of data and fraud and abuse compliance.
Representative experience
- Multi-state hospital system in its ongoing review and implementation of multiple novel technologies and delivery systems (including the use of apps, telehealth services, middleware and home visits) aimed at improving service delivery direct to consumers, addressing reimbursement, licensing, privacy, IP, risk management and other legal issues
- Several community hospitals and hospital systems in the development and expansion of physician foundations, hospital-based clinics and community clinic networks, including physician practice acquisition and the negotiation and structuring of governance systems and complex services agreements
- Five-hospital health system in the formation of a physician joint-venture with over 800 physicians for purposes of creating a managed care narrow network, system-wide co-management and a framework for clinical integration
- Community hospital in the creation of a physician joint venture with over 400 physicians; establishment of the joint venture as both a Medicare and commercial payor accountable care organization (ACO)
- Large national health system, as well as several other hospitals, health plans, PHOs and medical groups around the country in the development of internal guidelines for physician incentive payments focused on quality and cost-saving measures (gainsharing and P4P)
- Several hospital systems and community hospitals in the design and implementation of an electronic medical record (EMR) donation program and health information exchange (HIE) structure
- Several hospital systems, health plans, IPAs and medical groups with respect to their managed care contracting strategy, joint contracting, the establishment of narrow networks, risk pools and delegated services arrangements
- Multi-stakeholder nonprofit entity in the development and implementation of a statewide commercial payor bundled payment demonstration program
- Several academic medical centers in their overall physician alignment strategy and ACO development
- Several telemedicine and mobile imaging companies with respect to their startup operations and expansion to multiple states
- National developer of radiation therapy joint ventures with respect to regulatory compliance matters for over twenty transactions
- Several skilled nursing and assisted-living landlords and operators with respect to facility sales and acquisitions, lease agreements and operations transfers
Looking ahead
Healthcare is increasingly more consumer-facing, fueled by advances in technology and our comfort level with remote communication. The challenge for the industry is navigating this rapid change and staying relevant in the market, while simultaneously juggling regulatory compliance, work-flow modifications, and managing patient expectations.
Jill has been quoted in or published more than 50 articles, including:
- “Key considerations for telehealth providers following the Dobbs decision,” Association of Corporate Counsel, August 25, 2022
- “Nixon Peabody Looks to Tie Billable 'Impact Lawyering' to Pro Bono Work With New Hire,” The American Lawyer, December 15, 2021 (Quoted)
- “Hospitals See Opportunity, Risk in Ambulatory Surgery Centers,” Modern Healthcare, January 25, 2021 (Quoted)
- “What the New Medicare Waivers Mean for Providers,” Oliver Wyman, April 2, 2020 (Author)
- Featured in an article by Bonnie Marcus, “Here's How To Be A Positive Role Model For Your Daughter,” Forbes, July 31, 2017
- “It's Time for Healthcare Entities to Heed the Ransomware Warning,” American Health Lawyers Association, June 2017 (Co-author)
- “Firm makes courting diversity full-time focus,” Los Angeles Business Journal, November 14, 2016 (Quoted)
- “Rainmaker Q&A: Nixon Peabody’s Jill Gordon,’ Law 360, October 3, 2016
- “Can't I Just ‘Uber’ My Doctor?” Medical Home News, October 1, 2015. (Co-author with Daniel Eliav) Click here to read the full article.
- “Trends to watch for in healthcare and delivery system transformation,” American Health Lawyers Association, June 1, 2015
- “Legal Issues in Designing Bundled Payments and Shared Savings Arrangements in the Commercial Payor Context,” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, September 4, 2013 (Co-author with The Camden Group and Pacific Business Group on Health)
- “Contracting for Bundled Payment,” Prepared for: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, MITRE, December 16, 2011
- “Overview, Issues Raised, and Probable Controversies,” Accountable Care News, Special Edition — ACO Regulations, April 2011
- “Do the Right Thing: Can the ACO Reinvent the Payor-Provider Relationship?” The Healthcare Innovator’s Forum, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2011
- “Hospital-Physician Alignment Strategies,” White Paper for the California Hospital Association, January 2011
Jill is a frequent lecturer for the American Health Lawyers Association, the American Bar Association, the Healthcare Financial Management Association, the Hospital Association of Southern California and numerous other national and regional organizations. Jill has given over 100 presentations, including the following:
- “California’s New Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA): Key Considerations for Health Industry Transactions,” LACBA Healthcare Law Section’s Roundtable, February, 7, 2024
- “Buy-Sell Issues in Shareholder and Operating Agreements,” LACBA's 20th Annual Healthcare Compliance Symposium, Los Angeles, CA October 5, 2023
- “Transforming Healthcare Delivery Through Innovation, Partnerships, and Growth,” Zephyr Healthcare Advisors 2023 Healthcare Leadership & Executive Conference, Las Vagas, NV, September 13, 2023
- “2023 Healthcare Market Trends & Implications,” Nixon Peabody 2023 California MCLE Virtual Seminar, January 20, 2023
- “Staying Competitive in the Market: Exploring Innovative Solutions to Physician Alignment Models” Zephyr Healthcare Advisors 2022 Healthcare Leadership & Executive Conference, Las Vagas, NV, September 29, 2022
- “Deals and Private Equity Investment Trends 2022,” Connecting The Disruptors™ Healthcare Conference, Dana Point, CA, January 21, 2022
- “Protecting the Digital Health Consumer with Leading Edge Legislation,” USC Body Computing Conference, Webinar, October 22, 2021
- “Digital Health Licensure: Obstacles, Pitfalls and Opportunities for Cross-State Virtual Care Platforms,” 2021 CTel Digital Health Summit, Webinar, June 9, 2021
- “Final Stark AKS Rules,” Women in Health Administration of Southern California, Webinar, March 16, 2021
- “Practice of Health Policy and Management,” Master of Health Administration Program, Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California, February 10 & 11, 2021
- “Regulatory Compliance for Hospital/Startup Partnerships,” KidsX Roundtable, February 3, 2021
- “Digital Health, Healthcare Regulation, Cybersecurity, and COVID-19,” USC Body Computing Conference, October 2, 2020
- “Traditional Healthcare in Transition: New Models of Care with COVID-19: Hospitalizing Patients at Home, Digital Therapeutics,” USC Body Computing Conference, October 2, 2020
- “Creating a Hospital Quality and Efficiency Program (HQEP) Success Story: Organizational, Legal and Operational Tales from the Trenches,” American Health Law Association Annual Meeting, June 29, 2020
- “The Paradigm Shift to Telehealth: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic,” CTeL Summit, June 19, 2020
- “Telehealth Trends: Risks, Rewards and Reimbursement,” Health Care Compliance Association, Webinar, March 23, 2020
- “Navigating Insurance, Licensing, and HIPAA Regulations During the COVID-19 Crisis,” Inside Reproductive Health Podcast, Fertility Bridge. March 19, 2020
- “Current perspectives/trends in digital health and patient data,” 2020 UCLA MedTech Conference Followup, Los Angeles, CA, March 3, 2020
- “How are Regulatory Issues, Cost Challenges and an Evolving Care Delivery Environment Impacting Hospital and Healthcare System’s Real Estate Usage and Strategy? ” 11th Annual Interface Healthcare Real Estate West Conference, Los Angeles, CA, February 19, 2020
- “IVF: A Discussion of Legal Issues for Non-Lawyers,” SUMMIT:IVF 2020, Aspen, CO, February 6, 2020
- “Creating a Virtual Health System to Support Patient Centric Care, Access and Engagement,” 4th National Telehealth Summit, Las Vegas, NV, January 30, 2020
- “Telehealth Trends: Risks, Rewards and Reimbursement,” Nixon Peabody Webinar, November 14, 2019
- “Healthcare Innovators—Digital health startups and what you need to know to represent them,” Representing Health and Technology Startups, Los Angeles County Bar Association, February 13, 2019
- “Healthcare M&A Trends and Disruptions,” 2019 Hunn Group Conference: Connecting the Disruptors Healthcare Conference, January 22, 2019
- “International Healthcare Transactions,” American Health Lawyers Association: Health Care Transactions Conference, May 11, 2018
- “How to do Business with Healthcare Provider Systems,” Biocom and the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Healthcare Accelerator, February 20, 2018
- “Private Equity Outlook: What is Next for Investing in Health Care,” Nixon Peabody Hot Topics, Los Angeles, CA, February 2018
- “Regulatory Basics for Healthcare and Biotech Entrepreneurs,” LA BioStart Legal Basics Program, Los Angeles, CA, July 14, 2017
- “The Modern IP Lawyer: A Boot Camp for Success in 2017,” Nixon Peabody CLE Seminar, Chicago, IL, June 8, 2017
- “Episode Payment Model Master Class,” webinar with ECG, April 17, 2017
- “Legal Issues for Digital Health Companies,” Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Healthcare Accelerator, Los Angeles, CA, February 16, 2017
- “Legal and Contractual Best Practices for Episodic Care,” CJR Bootcamp, Miami, FL, September 26, 2016
- “Digital Health Access Initiative,” University of Southern California 10th Annual Global Body Computing Conference, Los Angeles, CA, September 23, 2016
- “Bundled Payments for Total Joint Replacement: Early Indications from the First 90 Days,” webinar with BDO, June 30, 2016
- “Regulatory Pitfalls of Physician Transactions,” Providence Health & Services, Renton, WA, June 28, 2016
- “Navigating the Contracting and Legal Intricacies of Episode-Based Payment Programs,” 2nd Annual Bundled Payment Implementation Forum, Orlando, FL, January 25, 2016
- “Technology in Consumer-Facing Healthcare,” Nixon Peabody 11th Annual California MCLE Super Seminar, Los Angeles, CA, January 21, 2016
- “Models for Provider Risk Arrangements,” Southern California State of Reform Health Policy Conference, Los Angeles, CA, November 6, 2015
- “Case Study Approach: Successful Implementation of Complex Gainshare Models,” The National Bundled Payment Summit, Washington, DC, June 3, 2015
- “The Next Generation ACOs — New Regulations” and “ACA Implementation and Challenges for California Health Plans in Creating an Affordable and Accessible System for Consumers,” California Society for Healthcare Attorneys 2015 Annual Meeting & Spring Seminar, Huntington Beach, April 17, 2015
- “Navigating Contracting and Legal Intricacies for Episode-Based Payment Programs,” Bundled Payment Implementation Forum, Coral Gables, January 12, 2015
- “Bundled Payment Gainsharing and Legal Implications,” The Camden Group, October 30, 2014.
- “Big Data Privacy and Health,” USC Body Computing Conference, Los Angeles, October 3, 2014
- “Telemedicine & The New Care Delivery Landscape: Opportunities in Deploying Disruptive Technology,” MDS Healthcare Leadership and Executive Conference, Las Vegas, September 15, 2014
- “Healthcare Reform and Providers — Legal and Policy Issues,” Guest Lecturer, University of California Los Angeles School of Law, Health Law and Policy, April 22, 2014
- “The Next Generation of Bundled Payments,” Webinar, American Health Lawyers Association, April 14, 2014
- “Pay for Performance — Current Legal Issues,” California Society for Healthcare Attorneys, Lake Tahoe, April 12, 2014
In the news
- The American Lawyer
Nixon Peabody looks to tie billable 'impact lawyering' to pro bono work with new hire
This article, announcing the arrival of Director of Pro Bono & Social Impact Sharmaine Heng, articulates NP’s social impact strategy and highlights our firm’s focus on “impact lawyering” among billable practice areas. In addition to quoting Sharmaine, the article includes quotes from Strategic Impact partners Jill Gordon and Greg Doran and Pro Bono Partner Matt RichardsDec 16, 2021 - Los Angeles Business Journal
2021 Health Care Awards: Finalists
Los Angeles Health Care partner Jill Gordon was selected as a finalist in the LABJ published roundup of its 2021 Health Care Awards, in the “Trusted Advisor of the Year” category.Aug 24, 2021 - Modern Healthcare
Hospitals See Opportunity, Risk in Ambulatory Surgery Centers
This article on the increasing trend among hospitals to invest in ambulatory surgery centers extensively quotes Los Angeles Health Care partner Jill Gordon and Washington, D.C. Government Investigations & White-Collar Defense partner Adam Tarosky for their outlook on the Department of Health and Human Services’ updated anti-kickback statute, joint ventures among hospitals and ASCs, and a hospital’s ability to attract and retain top surgeons.Jan 25, 2021 - Modern Healthcare
California bill could stifle healthcare M&A
Los Angeles Health Care partner and Life Sciences practice co-chair Jill Gordon is quoted throughout this article on proposed California legislation that would require the attorney general to sign off on any health care provider transaction exceeding $1 million.Aug 20, 2020 - Fertility Bridge
Navigating telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview with Jill Gordon and Sarah Swank (podcast)
In this podcast episode, Los Angeles Health Care partner Jill Gordon and Washington, DC, Health Care counsel Sarah Swank discuss new regulations around using telemedicine to reach patients in a time of community quarantines.March 20, 2020 - Law360
California guidelines advance telehealth for Medicaid patients
Los Angeles Health Care partner Jill Gordon and associate Harsh Parikh co-wrote this contributed article looking at new state guidelines that will expand Medicaid reimbursement for telehealth services.Sep 17, 2019 - To Live and Law in LA
S2 E1: A Look into the Future
On the Season 2 premiere, we speak with Wall Street Journal legal reporter Sara Randazzo and Nixon Peabody partners Justin Thompson and Jill Gordon about diversity initiatives, technological disruptions and the future of the legal industry. The podcast is hosted by Nixon Peabody associate Jade Turner-Bond.Oct 17, 2018 - CNBC
Digital health start-up Zocdoc is wrestling with a price change that could cripple doctors
Los Angeles Health Care partner Jill Gordon discusses legal concerns around a digital health start-up that is considering a new pricing model.Aug 8, 2018 - CNBC
Three shady—and all too common—things that digital health startups do to make money
Nov 19, 2017Los Angeles health care partner Jill Gordon, who this article identifies as a “top lawyer” in the digital health space, provides in-depth commentary regarding the three common practices she’s seen among health technology startups that may violate medical regulations and what companies should be aware of to avoid costly penalties.
- Rochester Business Journal
Getting one step ahead on matters of mobile accessibility
Rochester private equity and investment funds partner Jeremy Wolk, Los Angeles health care partner Jill Gordon and Los Angeles labor and employment associate Mae Hau coauthored this contributed article on the explosion of mobile health applications and the potential accessibility issues.Nov 17, 2017 - CNBC
Three shady—and all too common—things that digital health startups do to make money
Los Angeles health care partner Jill Gordon, who this article identifies as a “top lawyer” in the digital health space, provides in-depth commentary regarding the three common practices she’s seen among health technology startups that may violate medical regulations and what companies should be aware of to avoid costly penalties.Nov 17, 2017 - Forbes
Heres how to be a positive role model for your daughter
Los Angeles health care partner Jill Gordon is quoted throughout this Q&A piece about how mothers are finding ways to spend quality time with their daughters while maintaining a demanding and thriving career.July 31, 2017 - Los Angeles Business Journal
Firm makes courting diversity full-time focus
Manager of diversity and inclusion Rekha Chiruvolu is featured in this story for her role and the many ways Nixon Peabody has made hiring and retaining diverse attorneys a priority. Los Angeles partner Jill Gordon is also quoted throughout.Nov 14, 2016 - Law360
Rainmaker Q&A: Nixon Peabody's Jill Gordon
Los Angeles health care partner Jill Gordon is featured in this series of Q&As with legal industry leaders.Oct 3, 2016 - Reuters Legal
Career Tracker: Lawyers on the move
This coverage notes that Los Angeles health care partner Jill Gordon has been elected to the firm’s management committee, and that M&A and corporate transactions partner Tom Gaynor has been tapped as the San Francisco office managing partner.July 20, 2016 - Daily Journal
The Year in Review: Law Practice
This coverage in California highlights our Health Care and Real Estate practices. Los Angeles Health Care partner Jill Gordon and San Francisco Real Estate Paul Schrier are quoted in this feature story highlighting the hottest areas of law this year and looking ahead to 2015.Dec 17, 2014 - Daily Journal
Los Angeles Health Care partner Jill Gordon and associate Daniel Eliav and Los Angeles Private Equity & Investment Funds partner Matt Grazier and associate Stephen Reil’s representation of Apollo Medical Holdings is noted in this coverage of Apollo’s launch of a new subsidiary—Apollo Palliative Services, a source for hospice, palliative and home health services.Nov 20, 2014 - InformationWeek
Healthcare Big Data Debate: Public Good vs. Privacy
Los Angeles Health Care partner Jill Gordon is featured in this article discussing big data’s role in health care. Jill’s comments are from her panel discussion at the 8th annual Body Computing Conference. Click here to read the full article.Oct 6, 2014 - Daily Journal
Amid Rollout of Affordable Care Act, Firms Face Challenge in Boosting Health Care Practices
Los Angeles Health Services partner Jill Gordon discusses the impact of the Affordable Care Act on law firms.Oct 22, 2013
Admitted to practice
Sarah Lawrence College, A.B.
Washington University in St. Louis School of Law, J.D.
Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, M.H.A.
Professional activities
- Member, CTeL Legal Resource Team
- Women in Health Administration of Southern California
- Learning Rights Law Center, Board Member (2008–2018), Advisory Committee to the Board (2018–present)
- American Bar Association, Health Law Section (2006–present)
- American Health Lawyers Association, Hospitals Practice Group, Leadership Development Program (2012–2013)
- California Bar Association, Chair, Health Law Committee of the Business Law Section (2010–2011); Vice Chair of Education (2009–2010)
- Los Angeles County Bar Association, Health Law Section Executive Committee (2002–2010)
- Women Lawyers of Los Angeles, Board Member (1998–2003)
- Legal Aspects of the Enterprise Task Force, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) (2008–2010)
- Partners in Care Foundation 2012 Honorary Dinner Committee
- Recognized by Thomson Reuters “Stand-out Lawyers” (2025)
- Selected, through a peer-review survey, for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2025 in the field of Healthcare Law; listed in Best Lawyers since 2013
- Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business 2024 for exceptional standing in the legal community for Healthcare (California, Band 1); also recognized in previous years
- Named the Best Lawyers® 2016 Healthcare Law “Lawyer of the Year” in Los Angeles
- Recommended in The Legal 500 United States 2024 editorial for Healthcare: Service providers
- “Southern California Super Lawyers,” Law & Politics and Los Angeles Magazine, 2012–2020
- “Southern California Rising Stars,” Law & Politics and Los Angeles Magazine, 2004–2010
- Nightingale’s Healthcare News’ Outstanding Healthcare Transactional Lawyers for 2004 (named as one among 12 recipients nationally)
- Awarded AV Preeminent rating by the Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory
Insights And Happenings
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View AllLindsay Maleson
Partner / Practice Group Leader, Healthcare- Long Island
- Office:+1 516.832.7627
- lmaleson@nixonpeabody.com