We’re honored to receive the 2023 Beacon of Justice Award from the National Legal Aid & Defender Association (NLADA) for our work to advance racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and gender equity nationwide. Through our pro bono and social impact program, we are committed to empowering marginalized communities and serving those in need. This recognition is a testament to the impact of our efforts.
Across the country, we advocate for those affected by racial and gender discrimination—in Iowa, an NP litigation team is challenging a discriminatory law that allows Medicaid to deny coverage for gender-affirming surgeries and jeopardizes the rights of transgender residents. In Montana, we secured a preliminary injunction blocking SB 280, a state law making gender-affirming surgery a prerequisite for amending birth certificates to align with gender identity. In Central New Hampshire, we advocate on behalf of the Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Crisis Center, representing women survivors who are facing HIPAA violations and opposing bail for perpetrators when appropriate. And, in upstate New York, we are partnering with Black Women’s Blueprint—a small nonprofit organization supporting survivors of sexual violence—to secure approvals for the construction of its Restore Forward Retreat Center.
These matters make a significant impact at the intersection between racial justice and gender equity. We are proud to serve vulnerable populations throughout the United States and advance the fight for equality on multiple fronts.