Roddy Devlin is a globally recognized, leading lawyer in the public-private partnership (P3) space, receiving recognition from both Chambers USA and Chambers Global for his P3 work. Roddy is a sought after writer and speaker on P3-related topics.
My focus
I assist private and public sector parties in developing, financing, consummating, operating, and maintaining significant infrastructure projects domestically and overseas, with a particular focus on public-private partnerships.
On the private side, I represent project sponsors, lenders, underwriters, and construction companies in their P3 and project development efforts in a wide range of sectors. No two projects are the same, and no two sectors are the same. With this in mind, I ensure that my team includes the sector and subject matter experts required to provide my clients with optimal outcomes.
I have also assisted a number of public entities in coming to the market with their first P3 projects. Public-private partnerships raise myriad complicated issues for the public sector owner. I assist my public sector clients in assessing and properly allocating the key project risks among project participants in a manner that serves the goals of the owner and the needs of public users.
Global Scope
I have been involved in P3 transactions across the United States, the Caribbean, South America and Europe. These projects have involved roadways, airports, bridges, ports, water projects and entertainment assets. For example, I advised the bond issuer in connection with the multi-source financing of the $4 billion LaGuardia Airport Central Terminal P3 project in New York City, procured by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The $2.6 billion of bonds issued for this project is the largest bond issuance to date for a US P3 project.
Representative experience
- Representing Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) on its Design Build Finance Operate Maintain (DBFOM) P3 procurement for a new mixed-use Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in Providence (including a bus transit center and possible housing and commercial offices/retail).
- Acting for joint venture equity member in connection with a proposed autonomous vehicle transit system (and related tunnel) connecting to Ontario International Airport, being procured by San Bernardino County Transportation Authority in California (under a preliminary development agreement).
- Acted as Lenders’ counsel to the winning proposer on the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) I-285/I-20 West Interchange DBF P3.
- Acting for owner/developer in connection with a proposed Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) RRIF Loan to finance a rail station adjacent project in New Jersey (including arrangements with transit authority).
- Acting for member of winning team selected to plan, design, construct, and operate a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) Pilot Project connecting the airport skytrain at Georgia International Convention Center and the Gateway Center Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Acted for underwriter in the $2.55 billion bond financing for the John F. Kennedy (JFK) Airport New Terminal One redevelopment and expansion, the proceeds of which were used to finance and refinance a portion of the costs of constructing the initial phase of the project.
- Representing market leading autonomous vehicle technology team member selected by East Contra Costa County (ECCC) in California to develop a Dynamic Personal Microtransit (DPMT) P3 Project (a complex multi-stop urban transit project using autonomous vehicles). The project originated from an unsolicited proposal by our client.
- Representing market leading autonomous vehicle technology company in connection with a proposed San Jose Airport Connector P3 Project in California (under a pre-development agreement) connecting an International Airport to the downtown area.
- Acted as lenders’ counsel to shortlisted proposer on the US Virgin Islands’ Henry E. Rohlsen and Cyril E. King Airports Terminal P3 Project procured by Virgin Islands Port Authority's (VIPA) to modernize and expand passenger terminals at two airports. Subsequently acted as bond counsel to winning proposer team.
- Acted as bond counsel on the refinancing of existing bonds issued by the Virginia Small Business Authority for the Elizabeth River Crossing DBFOM P3 Project in Virginia.
- Acted as lenders’ Counsel in connection with the refinancing of existing debt for the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) / High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE) I-70 East Project in Colorado, including refinancing of TIFIA Loan. Also acted as lenders to a shortlisted bidding team on original CDOT/HPTE procurement.
- Lenders’ counsel to a shortlisted bidder on Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) I-285/I-20 East Interchange DBF P3.
- Acting for the owners in the sale of the Connecticut Roadside Service Areas P3 Concession.
- Advising bidding team on the I-75 Modernization P3 Project regarding bifurcated not-for-profit/governmental entity tax exempt financing structure.
- Advising shortlisted bidder on Honolulu Rail Transit P3 Project regarding not-for-profit/governmental entity tax exempt financing structure.
- Representing the lenders to a shortlisted bidding team in connection with I-70 East Project in Colorado being procured by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE).
- Acting as lenders counsel to shortlisted bidding team on the Transform 66 (Outside the Beltway I-66) P3 greenfield project in Virginia being procured by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).
- Represented the lenders to a shortlisted bidding team in connection with the I-285 & SR 400 Reconstruction DBF Project in Georgia.
- Advised Georgia Department of Transportation in connection with its $833.7 million Northwest Corridor P3 project in Atlanta, Georgia, including drafting of procurement documentation and underlining P3 agreement and overseeing procurement process.
- Advising equity team in connection with the successful proposal for the I-4 Ultimate Managed Lanes P3 project in Florida, a $2.3 billion availability payment project.
- Advised Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) in connection with its proposed Atlanta Multi Modal Passenger Terminal (MMPT) project in downtown Atlanta (to provide connections between commuter rail, high speed rail, regional commuter bus lines, and train services).
- Represented a major monoline insurer in connection with the $1.07 billion multi-source financing of Autopista Central Toll Road, an electronically tolled urban toll road project in Santiago, Chile, and the first toll road in Chile to be financed by dual US and Chilean offerings; the project was awarded Euromoney Magazine’s award as “Best Project Finance Deal” in Latin America.
- Represented a monoline insurance company in connection with the $440 million multi-source financing of Americo Vespucio Norte Toll Road, an electronically tolled urban toll road concession in Santiago, Chile; the transaction was the recipient of Latin Finance Magazine’s “Best Project Finance Deal” award.
- P3 counsel to institutional lenders in the financing of the Camino Columbia P3 toll road in Texas.
- Represented a major monoline insurance company in the $750 million financing of the Santiago-Talca Toll Road in Chile; this project was recognized as a “Deal of the Year” by Project Finance Magazine.
- Represented a major monoline insurance company in the financing of both the Chillán-Collipulli Toll Road and the Collipulli-Temuco Toll Road in Chile; the latter was given a “Deal of the Year” award by Project Finance Magazine.
- Acting for owner/developer in connection with a proposed Proton Therapy Facility and other Medical Office/Laboratory/Life Sciences Facilities for a major university in California.
- Represented the lenders to a shortlisted bidding team on the Miami-Dade Courthouse Project procurement.
- Representing the winning bidder in City of Nashville Parking Concession P3 procurement.
- Advising the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) on financing their comprehensive water meter system replacement P3.
- Representing private sector consortium in connection with a civil build P3 being undertaken with the City of Los Angeles.
- Representing the City of Phoenix on their P3 projects at Sky Harbor International Airport in all aspects of their procurement process.
- Advising bond issuer in connection with the multi-source financing of the $4 billion LaGuardia Airport Central Terminal P3 project in New York City, procured by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey; the $2.6 billion of bonds issued for this project is the largest bond issuance to date for a US P3 project.
- Representing Westchester County in all aspects of their P3 procurement with respect to its airport.
- Acting as P3 counsel to shortlisted bidding consortium on the Southport Marine Terminal Complex P3 project in Pennsylvania being procured by the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority.
- Acting for lenders in connection with a proposal to Pennsylvania’s Northampton County for its bridge rehabilitation and replacement P3 project.
- Representing the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department in Florida as P3 counsel in connection with the initial feasibility analysis for the South Miami Heights Water Treatment Plant P3.
- Representing design/build team in connection with proposal for the Knik Arm Bridge P3 in Alaska.
- Acting as P3 counsel to a bidding consortium in connection with the Goethals Bridge P3 Project in New York, procured by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
- Acting as P3 counsel to one of the shortlisted bidding teams in connection with the Presidio Parkway Project in California procured by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), one of the first US projects to use the availability payment structure.
- Represented project sponsor in connection with a proposed EuroVegas Casino Project and entertainment complex near Budapest, Hungary; the project was being developed pursuant to a governmental concession agreement.
- Advised the Schiphol-controlled JFK International Air Terminal LLC in connection with the financing, management, and operation of the new Terminal 4 facility at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City; this was one of the first airport P3 projects undertaken in the US.
- Represented Aeroflot, the operator of Terminal 3 at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow, in connection with the proposed financing and construction of a new international terminal at the airport.
- P3 counsel to the private consortium selected to undertake the establishment, construction, and operation of a proposed new airport for the Chicago metropolitan area on a public-private partnership basis.
Looking ahead
There is wide recognition that US infrastructure—from roads, bridges, and airports to water systems, schools, and civic buildings—requires significant new investment, both to maintain existing assets at an acceptable level and to add necessary additional assets.
I believe that public-private partnerships will be an important part of the solution. Although not right for every project, a properly structured public-private partnership can tap the technical know-how and efficiencies of the private sectors, as well as private sector financing, while allowing the public owner to continue its traditional role of ensuring that infrastructure assets are properly operated and maintained to meet the needs of the public users.
- Presenter, “AIAI P3Direct Bootcamp: Risk Allocation,” Transportation Infrastructure Summit, June 26, 2024
- Moderator, “Roadways and Bridges—To Toll or Not to Toll Panel,” IPFA in-person briefing, June 18, 2024
- Moderator, “What's a Key Ingredient for P3 Success? Picking the Right Advisors and Partners,” The P3 Government Conference, Alexandria, VA, December 6, 2023
- Panelist, “How do I Design a P3? Best Practices in Deal Structuring and Contract Management,” P3 Airport Summit, San Diego, CA, May 8, 2023
- Panelist, “Critical Factors for Moving a P3 Forward,” AIAI Public-Private Partnership Conference & Expo, Dallas, TX, March 7, 2023
- Panelist, “P3s: Asset Recycling in US: Obstacles and Opportunities,” The Bond Buyer 2022 Infrastructure Conference, November 15, 2022
- "Today’s infrastructure: Asset recycling – the what, whys, and hows," The Bond Buyer Podcast, November 15, 2022
- Panelist, “Why Do an Airport P3? Building the Business Case for a P3 and Selling It to the Community,” The P3 Airport Summit, August 11, 2022
- Author, “Infrastructure as a Policy Tool,” PFI Special Report Global Infrastructure, June 28, 2022
- Panelist, “How Do I Keep a P3? Monitoring and Partnership for the Long Term,” the Public-Private Partnership Conference & Expo, March 15, 2022
- Speaker, “P3Direct Bootcamp: Operations & Maintenance”, AIAI P3 Government Conference, Arlington, VA, December 8, 2021
- Speaker, “How do I Deliver a Project with the P3 Model?”, AIAI P3 Government Conference, Arlington, VA, December 7, 2021
- Speaker, “How Do I Deliver a Project with the P3 Model?”, AIAI P3 Conference & Expo, Dallas, TX, September 13, 2021
- Panelist, “What Do You Need to Consider When Looking at a P3,” The P3 Water Summit, April 22, 2021
- Panelist, “Making Sense of the Biden Infrastructure Plan”, ABA Connect Webinar, Virtual, April 19, 2021
- “Critical Factors to Keep Your Project Procurement on Track,” 2020 P3 Airport Summit, Webinar, September 25, 2020
- “Private Investment for the Public Benefit,” The Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Conference, Webinar, August 12, 2020
- “Best Practices in Risk Allocation and Surety,” Public-Private Partnership Conference & Expo, Dallas, TX, March 2020
- “New Trends in P3s—Smaller P3s and More Complicated P3s,” Bond Buyer Transportation Finance/P3 Conference, Denver, CO, November 2019
- “Best Practices in Deal Structuring & Contract Management,” 2019 Public Private Partnership Airport Summit, San Diego, CA, July 2019
- “Best Practices in Risk Allocation and Surety,” 2019 Public Private Partnership Airport Summit, San Diego, CA, July 2019
- Speaker, “US Airport P3s – Ready for Take-off?”, International Project Finance Association, New York City, NY, October 23, 2018
- Speaker, “Project Pairing: Extending the Boundaries of Campus Infrastructure Projects”, AIAI P3 High Education Summit, San Diego, CA, September 12, 2018
In the news
- Infralogic
Infralogic outlook 2025: Bullish outlook for US core infrastructure
Jan 24, 2025New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin is quoted in this article covering the outlook for infrastructure investment in 2025. Roddy notes that while there is much focus on the new administration, the economy will be a key driver of infrastructure investment and public-private partnerships.
- The Bond Buyer
Transit-oriented development part of Harris’ affordable housing plan
Oct 2, 2024This article covers Vice President Kamala Harris’ plan for transit-oriented development as a way to increase housing in urban areas. The article references and quotes a client alert written by New York City partner and Project Finance & Public Finance practice group leader Virginia Wong and partner Roddy Devlin. Virginia and Roddy discuss how the advantages of RRIF and TIFIA financing compared to commercial alternatives available to private developers will likely create more projects.
- IJGlobal
Rhode Island transit P3 starts phase 1
Jan 31, 2024This article, which covers the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) approving a contract with Next Wave Rhode Island Partners to design and build a new downtown Providence transit center, mentions NP for serving as RIPTA’s legal counsel. The NP team includes Providence partner and Construction & Real Estate Litigation practice leader Jeff Brenner, New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partners Roddy Devlin and Adam Gordon, New York City PBFN senior counsel Ken Lind, and Rochester Affordable Housing & Real Estate senior counsel Bruce Baker.
- IJGlobal
Preferred bidder for Rhode Island transit P3
Aug 29, 2023This article, which covers the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) voting to work with Next Wave Rhode Island Partners to redevelop a new downtown Providence transit center, mentions NP for serving as RIPTA’s legal counsel. The NP team includes Providence partner and Construction & Real Estate Litigation practice leader Jeff Brenner, New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin, and Rochester Affordable Housing & Real Estate senior counsel Bruce Baker. Long Island AHRE associate Matthew King and Providence CREL associate Erik Lindstedt are also assisting.
- Bond Buyer
JFK's new Terminal One will look to bond marketing for long-term financing
This article covering financing for John F. Kennedy International Airport’s new Terminal One, including plans to tap the municipal bond market for future phases of the project, mentions NP for serving as underwriter counsel representing Citi. The NP team involved in the project includes New York City partners Chris Reitzel, Virginia Wong, Ken Lind, and Roddy Devlin, and associates Kate Stack of New York and Dia Walrath of San Francisco, all of the Project Finance & Public Finance groupJune 17, 2022 - P3 Bulletin
Tick TOC
This article, covering the potential impacts of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act on transit-oriented development, quotes New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin on the opportunity for more transit-adjacent investment and the sectors for which government financing may be in high demand.Jan 19, 2022 - Inframation News
Virginia toll road refinancing bonds
This article on the refinancing of Elizabeth River Crossings’ bonds, which were used to modernize a river tunnel system in Virginia, mentions the firm for the work by New York City partners Virginia Wong and Roddy Devlin and Washington, DC partner Mitch Rapaport, all of the Project Finance & Public Finance group, for serving as bond counsel.Jan 11, 2022 - Law360
Transportation legislation and regulation to watch in 2022
This article, focusing on major developments and notable trends in the year ahead, quotes New York Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin for his outlook on President Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and how fast its various funding programs can be deployed.Jan 3, 2022 - Inframation
Sector analysis – Order in the court – The next US P3s
This article analyzing public-private partnerships within the courthouse sector extensively quotes New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin for his thoughts on P3 procurement, the maintenance standards that make P3s attractive, and traditional tax-exempt finance procurement.Aug 23, 2021 - P3 Bulletin
Sleep no more
In article on President Biden’s infrastructure plan, the American Jobs Plan, New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin is quoted extensively on the plan’s unique aspects, how it’s redefining the definition of infrastructure, and his outlook on public-private partnerships.April 21, 2021 - The Bond Buyer
Infrastructure redefined (podcast)
In this podcast episode on President Biden’s American Jobs Plan, New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin is featured as a guest to discuss his outlook, including how the plan is redefining the definition of infrastructure to encompass broadband and electric-vehicle charging stations, among other areas.April 13, 2021 - Inframation News
Crossroads-Roddy Devlin of Nixon Peabody discusses Americas Jobs Plan
In this podcast episode on President Biden’s federal infrastructure investment proposal, the American Jobs Plan, New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin is featured as a guest to discuss the plan’s unique aspects and how it could further incentivize public-private partnerships.April 1, 2021 - Inframation News
Engineering group gives U.S. infrastructure C-grade
This article on the American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure quotes New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin for his optimistic outlook on U.S. infrastructure.March 3, 2021 - Law360
'Mediocre' US infrastructure needs more funding, report says
This article, focusing on the American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, quotes New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin for his bullish outlook on a comprehensive infrastructure investment plan out of the Biden administration.March 3, 2021 - The Washington Post
Bank Gives Purple Line Firms More Time to Reach a Settlement with Maryland and Avoid Potential Default on Debt
In this article on a forbearance agreement between the concessionaire of Maryland’s Purple Line transit project and the bank representing bondholders, New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin provides third-party commentary on what the forbearance agreement means in practical terms.Nov 8, 2020 - Project Finance International
Airport P3s – Looking down the runway
Project Finance & Public Finance partners Roddy Devlin, in New York, and Angelica Valencia, in Los Angeles, contributed this article on their outlook on P3s in the airport industry, and the downstream effect of COVID-19 on new project development.June 16, 2020 - The Bond Buyer
Bond Buyer’s Top 10 of 2018
The Bond Buyer’s story on the arrival of New York City Project Finance and Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin at Nixon Peabody was the third most-read article of 2018.Dec 21, 2018 - Bond Buyer
Design-build a vehicle to fix New York City’s highway to hell
New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin is quoted in this story about the advantages of using a design-build model for the pending reconstruction of a portion of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway.Oct 2, 2018 - Inframation News
Garden State law to advance P3s, but obstacles remain
New York City Project Finance & Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin is quoted in this article about new legislation in New Jersey designed to expand to state’s ability to improve infrastructure through P3 projects.Oct 2, 2018 - P3 Bulletin
Cautious welcome for NJ P3 bill
New York City Project Finance and Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin is quoted in this article discussing a recent bill passed by New Jersey legislators that could increase the frequency of public-private partnership (P3) projects.July 26, 2018 - InfraAmericas
LaGuardia AirTrain RFQ expected to be issued by year end
New York City public finance and project finance partner Roddy Devlin is quoted in this article discussing the advantages of using a public-private partnership to complete “key public projects that have to be brought in on schedule.”June 27, 2018 - Project Finance International
U.S. airports on the runway
Project Finance and Public Finance partner Roddy Devlin, together with group leader Ken Lind and partner Virginia Wong, all from New York City, contributed this article on the increasing usage of the P3 model in U.S. infrastructure projects.June 26, 2018 - The Bond Buyer
Podcast: The art of the P3
New York City public finance and project finance partner Roddy Devlin is a guest on the Bond Buyer podcast and shares his experience in public-private partnerships, infrastructure and design build; and discusses Nixon Peabody’s strength in the growing P3 sector.June 22, 2018 - Law360
Nixon Peabody scoops up P3, project finance pro in NY
Media coverage of the arrival of New York City public finance and project finance partner Roderick “Roddy” Devlin continues with this profile in Law360, which highlights some of Roddy’s largest recent deals, including the $4 billion public-private partnership to upgrade New York’s LaGuardia Airport.May 25, 2018 - American Lawyer
Nixon Peabody beefs up NY real estate group with new partner, new practice
Affordable housing and real estate partner Erica Buckley and project finance and public finance partner Roddy Devlin are both quoted in this article announcing an expansion of our real estate practice in New York City.May 24, 2018
Admitted to practice
New York
University of Edinburgh, Diploma, Legal Practice
University of Aberdeen, LLB
University of Pennsylvania, LL.M.
Professional activities
- American College on Investment Counsel (ACIC), Fellow
- Recognized as a “Leader in the Field” for PPP (public-private partnerships) in Chambers Global 2025
- Recognized in Chambers USA 2024 edition for Projects: PPP (nationwide); also recognized in previous years
- Selected, through a peer-review survey, for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2020 and 2021 in the field of Project Finance Law
- Recommended in The Legal 500 United States 2024 editorial for Project finance - Infrastructure and PPP
Insights And Happenings
View AllProfessionals in the Practice Area
View AllVirginia Wong
Partner / Practice Group Leader, Project Finance and Public Finance- New York
- Office:+1 212.940.3028
Mitchell Rapaport
Partner- Washington DC
- Office:+1 202.585.8305Mobile:+1 202.288.4005
John W. Hutchinson
Partner- New York
- Office:+1 212.940.3141Mobile:+1 850.572.0869